Summer 2019 Newsletter


There are no street sweepers in our community. Each one of us is responsible to clean. Please help in keeping walkways, driveways, parking spaces and common areas clean and neat. Put trash in the dumpsters. NOTHING should be placed in the corral that does not fit in the dumpster. Co-mingle corral is only for recyclables, not for regular trash. We would like to remind the homeowners that all outside paint (including downspouts) should have the uniform color. For color number go to Norton Paint on Rt.17 No. Their manager should have the exact number on their files. They also have number for the door color (country Red).


The board is asking the homeowners to be proactive in paying maintenance dues. We have drop off location: 210 Pond Terrace or P.O.Box 1028, Washington TWP, 07676.


Although we are semi-secluded, there are still many cars that travel through our streets. Please don’t let your children ride their bicycles unattended. And drivers, we need to be extra cautious of children, because there are no sidewalks..


The speed limit within the community is a maximum of 15 mph. PLEASE OBEY! With the nicer weather upon us, there will be more children and adults around and about. Please mind the posted speed limits! We request that the homeowners park their cars in dedicated spots only and keep the visitor parking free.


Overnight and extended parking of the above mentioned vehicles is prohibited on the property of Washington Pond all parking areas. Temporary parking (period no greater than 48 hours) may be granted with prior approval by the board.


Please be mindful of your dog’s behavior. That includes keeping your dog on a leash and cleaning up after him or her. In addition, there have been complaints from residents about the incessant barking of some dogs. Please understand that there are residents, elderly or recovering from surgery or illness, who need some peace and quiet to regain their strength. Please don’t leave your dog unattended on your patio if he or she is going to bark incessantly.

ALL REQUESTS, questions, suggestions and/or concerns should be addressed in writing to the WPHA, P.O.Box 1028, Washington TWP, NJ 07676 or e-mailed to:


Rule # 30 of the by-laws. This rule is in reference to individual generators being permitted. All such generators must be in accordance with local and municipal codes. All permits and authorizations must be submitted to the board prior to installation.

Here is how the by-law reads: Homeowners are permitted to install permanent (i.e., not portable or temporary) generators on their property in the backyard in accordance with local municipal codes. Such generators may serve only homeowners’ individual units and must be installed by licensed and bonded contractors. Homeowners and/or their contractors are responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and authorizations prior to installation, and appropriate homeowner’s property and liability insurance coverage for such generator must be obtained prior to its operation.

Here is a good article to peruse: http:// winter-break/emergency_backup_generators_1/6465602


The board needs help. Everybody who would like to volunteer please contact us at
