Spring 2020 Newsletter


We are living through difficult times. Due to the pandemic and the ‘stay at home’ order most of us are… staying at home. This means that many are spending more time outside, using the common grounds, walking for exercise, getting fresh air. It is important to remember that we must practice social distancing and be extra sensitive to the fact that we are living in a community and need to be mindful of each other. Please help keep the grounds clean, keep your front yards neat, watch out for children playing outside, do not leave the children to play in the parking lot unattended. If using the tennis courts be sure to keep people to a minimum, no additional people other than the players should be on the courts, do not leave tennis balls and other items behind when you leave and be sure to lock-up!

Please be extra sensitive. Everyone is affected, everyone is distressed. Let us all do our part to minimize additional stress.


There are no street sweepers in our community. If you see trash on common grounds, please pick it up. It could be someone accidentally lost something on the way to their car or a discarded water bottle. No matter the source, let’s pitch in and remove these ‘eyesores’ – our neighborhood’s condition reflects on all of us. Please help in keeping walkways, driveways, parking spaces and common areas clean and neat.


Now more than ever it is important to keep the trash corral areas clean for sanitary reasons, to prevent vermin infestation and racoons from ripping open garbage bags that are not in the dumpster. NOTHING should be placed in the corral that does not fit in the dumpster. Co-mingle corral is only for recyclables, not for regular trash.


Due to the ‘stay at home’ order in NJ, the pool will not be opening on Memorial Day weekend. The pool company is deemed an essential business and are providing preparations for the summer pool season in compliance with social distancing measures. We want to be ready, if or when the order is lifted, and the necessary approval process can start to move ahead with opening the pool. Since there is so much uncertainty right now, we have no specific date scheduled for opening, but hope it can happen for the 4th of July.


The landscaping service is deemed essential and our new landscaping team has been hard at work keeping the grounds clean, adding spring plantings. The old retaining wall was rotting and not holding the bank. We are happy to report that a beautiful new wall has been built as a replacement on the West bank, with the East bank to follow. These new walls will last for at least 30 years. We thank our new gardeners for doing a great job at a very reasonable price!

PSE&G vendor will start planting the replacement trees along Pascack, due to be completed this week.


The speed limit within the community is a maximum of 15 mph. PLEASE OBEY! With the nicer weather upon us, there will be more children and adults around and about. Please mind the posted speed limits! We request that the homeowners park their cars in dedicated spots only and keep the visitor parking free.


Please be mindful of your dog’s behavior. Especially now when most of us are home! Please do not leave your dog unattended on your patio if he or she is going to bark incessantly. When walking your dog in our community, remember that it must be leashed and cleanup immediately after your pet. Take along a baggie to pick up waste and dispose of it properly in the garbage. Animal waste can be hazardous to other pets and the environment.


We would like to welcome our new neighbors: Chris & Sveta Almonte, #302 Pond Court


The board needs help. If you would like to volunteer please contact us at info@washingtonpond.org or via the Contact form.

ALL REQUESTS, questions, suggestions and/or concerns should be addressed in writing to WPHA, P.O. Box 1028, Washington TWP, NJ 07676 or e-mailed to info@washingtonpond.org
You’re also welcome to use the Contact form.
