The 41st Annual Meeting of the Washington Pond Homeowner’s Association was held on September 21, 2020, at the K of C on Pascack Road. The yearly budget for 2020-2021 was presented by Treasurer, Sophia Raigo.
The Election Committee tallied the votes. 30 ballots were received and counted.
Elected to the Board:
S. Burgermaster (29 votes), L. Spina (26 votes).
Board consists of 7 members:
S. Burgermaster, M. Kolax, W. Kolax, L. Mason, S. Raigo, Y. Raigo, L. Spina.
October 5, 2020
Board elected the following officers and committees:
William Kolax, President
Lana Mason, V.P.
Sophia Raigo, Treasurer
Yana Raigo, Secretary
Board members: Susan Burgermaster, Margret Kolax, Louis Spina
Maintenance Committee: William Kolax, Head | Sophia Raigo, Louis Spina
Architectural Committee: William Kolax, Head | Lana Mason, Yana Raigo
Recreation Committee: Yana Raigo, Head | Val Kitaychik, Debra Press
PR Committee: Yana Raigo, Head | Lana Mason, Susan Burgermaster
Budget Committee: Sophia Raigo, Head | Milton Cuevas, Steve Friedland
The Nomination Committee will be formed 4 months prior to the next annual meeting.
The sprinklers will be winterized and shut off for the season next week, except for the area by Pascack Road which is replanted with new trees. The pool has been winterized and will be covered following some repair-related tests due to be completed by the end of the month. The pond fountain will be removed and stored. Tree work will be done when the leaves are off. The trees will be trimmed away from homes and in the parking areas, any dead trees and branches will be removed. Snow contract is signed with Landscape Design Concepts.
During the cold winter season it is recommended to drain and shut off the gardening pipes to prevent freezing and bursting. There are several root causes of pipes freezing. Please read the FYI post for more information.
There are no street sweepers in our community. Please help in keeping walkways, driveways, parking spaces and common areas clean and neat.
Keep the trash corral areas clean and be sure to fully close the lids on the bins to deter racoons from accessing the garbage. Co-mingle corral is only for recyclables, not for regular trash. Nothing should be left on the grounds, such as furniture, large objects, etc. Washington TWP Municipal area accepts those; you can also call to arrange for pick-up.
Although we are semi secluded, there are still many cars that travel through our streets. Please do not let your children ride their bicycles unattended. And drivers, we need to be extra cautious of children, because there are no sidewalks. SPEED LIMIT AND PARKING The speed limit within the community is a maximum of 15 mph. PLEASE OBEY! With the holidays coming, please make sure your guests park in the visitor parking spaces. In addition, please only park in the spots assigned to your unit.
Be mindful of your dog’s behavior. That includes keeping your dog on a leash and cleaning up after him or her. In addition, there have been complaints from residents about the incessant barking of some dogs. Please do not leave your dog unattended on your patio to bark.
ALL REQUESTS including to volunteer, questions, suggestions and/or concerns should be addressed in writing to the WPHA, P.O. Box 1028, Washington TWP, NJ 07676 or e-mailed to:
For exterior updates, please submit requests for approval to the Board; the ARC Request Form is available for download (in the Downloads section).